
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Luxury and pleasure

Luxury and pleasure are sustainable just as the nature provides us with time and energy for lust and play, with a luscious delicate flower that quickly fades away just to give space for another creation to raise. Hand in hand with the healing female energy that healing that is transitory and absolutely necessary as we continue evolving in this overly manly world which has forgotten that the actual image and emotion of the male energy is not even aggressive, violent or disruptive but ever supportive and also loving. We need his healing because we have let to others our own power to live and to decide what is good or not for us, thus we have to heal ourselves, we have to amend something, we have to integrate the female energy in us and we have to reconcile that female with its counterparty because otherwise life will not be as it actually is, self sustainable. There is no other purpose of this life than living, breathing, spacing, waiting feeling the flow of our own energy flowing in this vehicle where we have decided to spend our incarnation on earth. There is nothing to fight but millions of things to recognize, there are limits to set.

In any case in the search of a balanced lush and luxury the only choice for me is to make the nature my ally with her inspiration and materials. To bring more people together with useful, beautiful objects that can heal us with their own vibration but and even beyond as the chain of commercial distribution will aim to even the  the differences and the pain that the illusionary division has created in the first place. The energy of bounty and plentiful comes from love and as a flow it comes and as the nature has cycles that allow the regeneration and rejuvenation of the resources necessary to create again.

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