
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

La Ilusion de mi Mundo

La ilusión era mi mundo y el mundo una ilusión. Parece entonces una historia que por fin se acaba un lío de un juego que parecía tan real que me olvidé de quien era. Me he ido despertando no de un solo golpe sino como si somnoliento no del todo conciente, cuando por periodos de tiempo se borra la niebla de mi cabeza para reírme de lo que esta pasando. Despierto por minutos para amar profundamente lo he estado viviendo entrelazando un evento con otro, una decisión con otra, un minuto y otro y la experiencia que al final he escogido es totalmente perfecta y me hace sentido. Todavía parezco un loco y siempre lo he sido pero poco a poco la locura parece hacerse mas la cordura que todos buscamos de alguna manera, con caminos mas o menos complicados, con caminos que nos hacen sufrir o con caminos a través del amor y el encanto que nos lleva a resolver los misterios de la vida.

Sin embargo esta vez no es solo una ojeada al libro de la vida y sus secretos sino la revelación final de las fibras de la vida y del Todo del que somos parte y hemos vivido desde la eternidad. Ahora la eternidad no me da miedo ni me asusta el vacío que esta suponía cuando era niño, se me hacia increíble que si éramos almas infinitas el tiempo hacia atrás y hacia delante podía prolongarse infinitamente hasta que el mundo como lo conocía y todo lo que existía como una realidad tangible en aquel momento para mi, se volviera nada el principio se juntaba con el fin y todo era uno; aun en aquellas elucubraciones tempranas mi espíritu me respondía sabiamente poniendo en mi imaginación una mano amorosísima que me sostenía en la eternidad y yo no tenia nada por que preocuparme, podía dormir tranquilo. Ahora la eternidad la puedo percibir a través del no tiempo, de la infinidad del amor y de la existencia que solo es en todo momento, “todo el tiempo”. Sin necesidad de ir a ninguna parte a encontrarla solo debajo de las mantas que el ego nos ha proveído para darnos cobijo en una versión del mundo que perece poco a poco en medio de una lucha, porque el dolor y el miedo todo lo ha invadido.

En mi despertar turbulento siempre ha habido luces de esperanza incluso en las noches mas oscuras donde mis sombras me cazan, donde mi mente me ayuda a saber que tan solo por el hecho de existir solo por ese simple hecho no puede haber cosa, circunstancia o condición en mi que pueda estar “mal” pues también al tomar mi poder sabiendo que yo he decidido venir a este mundo a vivir el amor, EL AMOR, el universo o Dios o la vida no anda dando tumbos al azar.

Luxury and pleasure

Luxury and pleasure are sustainable just as the nature provides us with time and energy for lust and play, with a luscious delicate flower that quickly fades away just to give space for another creation to raise. Hand in hand with the healing female energy that healing that is transitory and absolutely necessary as we continue evolving in this overly manly world which has forgotten that the actual image and emotion of the male energy is not even aggressive, violent or disruptive but ever supportive and also loving. We need his healing because we have let to others our own power to live and to decide what is good or not for us, thus we have to heal ourselves, we have to amend something, we have to integrate the female energy in us and we have to reconcile that female with its counterparty because otherwise life will not be as it actually is, self sustainable. There is no other purpose of this life than living, breathing, spacing, waiting feeling the flow of our own energy flowing in this vehicle where we have decided to spend our incarnation on earth. There is nothing to fight but millions of things to recognize, there are limits to set.

In any case in the search of a balanced lush and luxury the only choice for me is to make the nature my ally with her inspiration and materials. To bring more people together with useful, beautiful objects that can heal us with their own vibration but and even beyond as the chain of commercial distribution will aim to even the  the differences and the pain that the illusionary division has created in the first place. The energy of bounty and plentiful comes from love and as a flow it comes and as the nature has cycles that allow the regeneration and rejuvenation of the resources necessary to create again.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Surrendering to the Body

In these times of Heart energy birthing through our bodies, through our incarnating vehicle we are asked to surrender to our bodies needs once more, to its desires, its moves. When the impulse is from the body and not the mind; the pleasure, the excitement and the peace that accompanies the experience of accepting and welcoming your body needs and impulses happens exactly there where the impulse has started, in the body in our physicality, this is necessary to keep bringing more light and more Love into every fiber of our material reality.

It is becoming so important that it is almost impossible to stay healthy and fit if we try to cling only to our spiritual self activating only the upper centers of bodies, and being only receptive to this information above. We need to look down this time, once we have reached and recognized our ever eternal connection to the Divine, to the source it is very important to look back again, our spirituality will not go away, it is us, we have just come acknowledged this fact.

It is time again to look to the ground, to the Earth and to infuse our daily life, our activities and relations with this flavor, to actually anchor the Heart reality on Earth, Love is the future but is not up there in a cloud is not miles away from Earth, it is here on every fleck of dust. Look down is time to give Birth to life on Earth now.



Workshop "The Golden Love Temple" 1st Edition Cologne

Caring Healing on Facebook - "The Golden Love Temple" 1st Edition Cologne

Thanks to All of the Men of the 1st Edition of "The Golden Love Temple" in Cologne last weekend. Here are some pictures in our Facebook page to share with you this beautiful space we have all created.

Thorsten and David