The basic human struggle is finally dying, as the human
struggle bottom line is a struggle for Energy based fundamentally on the belief,
installed in the collective consciousness long time ago, that on this World there
is not enough Energy and Love available to everyone, bringing a sense of
scarcity and fear as a primary driving force in our creations.
This situation is bringing changes that are currently manifested
and bridged on two levels; on an individual, we are becoming increasingly aware
that we are ever connected with our own power source of divine Love, to our
individual/collective source of eternal energy, Life, God/Goddess or whatever
we want to call it . Never before there was so many information, wisdom and
tools available to acknowledge our divinity. This divine spark has no need of intermediaries
to be in touch with or aligned to. There is no one in this world that is
currently incarnated on Earth for whom this connection is currently unavailable.
This new found connection makes us realize that we are much more resourceful and
plentiful than we have ever thought and thus that we are indeed the drivers and creators of our own daily
experience. We can fuel our dreams; we can Love our lives. Leaving behind
guilt, judgment and blame as we are realizing our most heartfelt individuality and personal truths.
On a collective level this is being mirrored in our reality as
an increasing number amongst us, are finally taking responsibility for our own
lives, emotionally, mentally and physically and the way we would like to live
on this Earth. We are currently creating and proposing ways to bring and take
advantage of resources that are nearly eternal like the sunlight and wind,
these energy resources which are actually mirroring again back into the world
our realization of independence from intermediaries and the problem-solution
dynamic fraught in power struggles of energy availability created by few and fueled
by the mass belief on single and dependent limited energy sources such as oil
which have become toxic an taxing for our human life.
The source of this
dependency for energy either physical (fuels, electricity) or non physical (Love-approval)
from structures such as governments, corporations and religious organizations
that act as an intermediaries of the energy is fading away, crumbling down such
is the case of the current economic system as we realize that we need to act on
our own benefit and purpose for the Life we want. Moreover, as energy in a manifested form or not is
intrinsically the same and as we realize that this energy becomes available and
freer, we are becoming increasingly aware that instead of spending more energy
on paying for energy to live we can just fuel ourselves and our dreams to live
and to Love. We keep on moving
towards a Love based experience instead of a fear and scarcity based Earth
In trust the heart opens and the more we feel the more our heart
is open to feel, the more life gives us more of what we feel reflecting back experiences
that enhance our right, ability and joy to feel more, the more we express what
we feel the more we create those experiences already felt.
By feeling more of everything “positive” / “negative” we acknowledge fully who we
are, we honor every part of ourselves, we become more aware of ALL of that we
are so that we can expand the vision of ourselves. We allow the pendulum to
swing from one side to the other until it starts turning and we can perceive
life as the constant flow it actually IS.